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Рейтинг 4.00
Altay region, Souzga village, Centralnaya street, 53 • Показать на карте

Hotel complex "Na Shumah" perfectly transforming the idea of ​​a comfortable, pleasant and safe stay away from home.
Depending on your preference there is a choice of different accommodation options, from standard rooms to luxury suites.

Рейтинг 10.00
Altai Republic, Chemalsky district, Uznezya Street, Central, 48 • Показать на карте

Hotel complex "NIKA resort" invites you to visit the Altai Mountains, with its unique nature.

The convenient location of our base on the shores of beautiful Katun, surrounded by majestic mountains allow you to appreciate the unique nature of the Altai, and comfortable accommodation to suit every taste and friendly staff will make you feel at home.

Цена: от 2400 руб.
Рейтинг 10.00
659900 Russia, Altay region, Belokurikha town, st.Myasnikova, 8 • Показать на карте

In Belokurikha 06/06/2008 has opened a new hotel complex "Orion", which includes 23 comfortable, made ​​with the soul, the numbers of categories of "studio", "deluxe" rooms and luxurious "suites." An individual approach to design has made the interior room is truly unique.
The hotel complex "Orion" is open round the clock restaurant "Akhtamar" ...

The Altai Mountains