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Рейтинг 1.00
Altay Region, 8 km from Road Souzga-Nizhnekayancha • Показать на карте

Location pension can be considered as one of its advantages. On the one hand, the removal of an active and densely populated areas of the lake Aya can relax in solitude and harmony with nature, without fuss or fanfare, discos and nightclubs. On the other hand, a short distance, a good road and new bridge allows easy access to the "focus of hype" around the clock using the services of (relatively expensive) taxi.

Рейтинг 1.00
Altay Regoin, 2 km from Souzga • Показать на карте

Tourist base "Youth" is a picturesque place of the Altai Republic, on the right bank of the Katun River, 280 km from Barnaul, 2 km away from. Souzga.

Its a cozy arrangement of mixed forest, where there are birch and pine, distance from roads, unforgettable natural beauty, hospitality staff will make your stay relaxed and full.

Рейтинг 2.00
Altay region, Rybalka village •

Modern club of European standard, which operates all year round. The most important feature of the Guest House is that it is completely made ​​of wood (Altai cedar), which contributes to a healthy full rest, where you can restore your physical and spiritual well-being.

Рейтинг 1.00
Altay Republic, v.Artybash (Teletskoe lake) • Показать на карте

Boarding house "Eden", located on the shores of Lake Teletskoye, specially designed for you to tours and itineraries of varying difficulty, lasting from several hours to fourteen days, where you can see the most unique and symbolic place of the pearls of Gorny Altai.

Yarowoe lake