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: The Altai Mountains
: 48

The Altai Mountains (Altay Mountains) are a mountain range in East-Central Asia, where Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan come together, and where the rivers Irtysh and Ob have their sources. The Altai Mountains are known as the original locus of the speakers of Turkic[1] as well as other members of the proposed Altaic language group.

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Рейтинг 1.00
Altay Regoin, 2 km from Souzga • Показать на карте

Tourist base "Youth" is a picturesque place of the Altai Republic, on the right bank of the Katun River, 280 km from Barnaul, 2 km away from. Souzga.

Its a cozy arrangement of mixed forest, where there are birch and pine, distance from roads, unforgettable natural beauty, hospitality staff will make your stay relaxed and full.

Yarowoe lake