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Рейтинг 1.00
Altay Regoin, 2 km from Souzga • Показать на карте

Tourist base "Youth" is a picturesque place of the Altai Republic, on the right bank of the Katun River, 280 km from Barnaul, 2 km away from. Souzga.

Its a cozy arrangement of mixed forest, where there are birch and pine, distance from roads, unforgettable natural beauty, hospitality staff will make your stay relaxed and full.

Here a great opportunity to combine sport and entertainment, sunbathe on the beach and hold seminars or conferences. The base has a vast territory, is designed to receive 100 or more people during the summer and 20 - in the winter

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  • Bathhouse
  • Tours/ Travel Desk
  • Tennis Court
  • Barbecue place
  • Sandy beach
  • Canteen
  • Playground

The Altai Mountains
Aya lake
Katoon Beach