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Рейтинг 2.00
Altay region, Aya village, Klyuchevaya street, 31 • Показать на карте

Recreation center "Ak-round" is located on the left bank of the Katun River, three kilometers from the lake, "Aya", in a picturesque part of the Altai - there is no accumulation of noisy bases, hence close to the most popular tourist sites. And most importantly - are always welcome guests!

"Ak-round" is translated from the Altai means - white house, white parking, white settlement.

Recreation center "Ak-round" can offer its guests a holiday to suit every taste. From the quiet, contemplative, to unique, active itineraries and unique excursions!

Offers horseback riding through the neighborhood, alloys of varying lengths, trips Turquoise Katun Kamyshlinsky Falls hydroelectric Chemal, Teletskoye Lake and others. Upon request and prior arrangement organized by fishing, hunting, at any time of year.

Winter holiday in the Altai is becoming more popular. Here you will find unique mountain scenery, clean air and lots of positive emotions. Skiers and snowboarders will find trails of various difficulty levels, and for those wishing to spend time in quiet and comfort of a better place to be found. Within a radius of 20 km are five ski resorts - "Manzherok", "Turquoise Katun", "Davegor", "Gorynya", "Merry Mount"

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  • Bathhouse
  • Swimming pool
  • Bicycle Parking
  • Free Parking
  • Sattelite TV
  • Barbecue place
  • Playground

Katoon Beach
The Altai Mountains