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Рейтинг 1.00
659 540 Republic of Altai, Turochakskyi district, p. Artybash Street. Teletskoye, 44-a • Показать на карте

A small stylish mansion is located in a. Artybash, in a picturesque location on the shores of Lake Teletskoye. The estate has everything you need for a relaxing family holiday and enjoying nature.

Services and facilities: comfortable two-story building for the accommodation, cafes and leisure complex with a lounge and two-room on the second floor, parking, BBQ, children's playground.

Power supply: in the dining room. It offers hearty home-Russian cuisine. The cost of an integrated power supply 700 rubles / person.

Additional Features: Russian bath (600 rub. / Hour).

Check-out time: 10:00 - eviction, 12:00 - settling

Sightseeing: walking and car tours, horseback riding, rafting on the river. Biya, walks through the Teletskoye lake on a boat, fishing.

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  • Bathhouse
  • Free Parking
  • Restaurant
  • Tours/ Travel Desk
  • Bar
  • Sattelite TV
  • Barbecue place

Katoon Beach
Teletskoe lake